Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A pot full of life

For some hazy reason, the idea of reggae music and life style has always appealed to me. It confers some kind of alternative creed, some kind of second universe. Since I was a kid I always told my self that I would get stoned every day and be a dreadlocks and every thing else when I grow up. And now finally I grow up and became stoned and make myself dreadlocks and everything else reggae music and lifestyle have asked me for. All this is fine if I were to really grow up, you know, becoming all-responsible and taking nothing for granted but my self only and all those kind of boring things grown-ups should make themselves believe in. But what do you I forgot all of that. In fact I never grow up at all but stayed stoned since I was 17 (I’m now 34). And the weird part in all this is I love it.

I love it in a sense that the pot I smoked all those years has made me a unique creature in the whole human species. I don’t give much thought about sex, love, starting a family, not being able to get over my break ups, and all that sh@$#t. I’m actually free from head to toe. When I look back to those prime times in my life and all the things people have been telling me to do in life, I always laugh. They told me not to smoke pot, to listen to my feelings (meaning crying like a baby when I break up with my girl friend) and all those morals.

But I didn’t listen. Instead of quitting pot I started smoking it more often. Instead of listening to my feelings I make others listen them for me. And now those who thought I’m a failure at my age feels bad about me. By default I should be the one to feel miserable at my own debacles in life. So I think I came out victorious in a way that I made people become a “server” for my feelings. Now every time they see me they feel sorry for me and relieve me of the burden I would carry if I were to listen to my feelings in early ages, i.e feeling sorry for my self.

Pot or no pot, take advantage of life and all the things around you.
Never listen to what others say. Instead make them carry your baggage full of feelings for you.
Twist them and their pre - controlled life to your advantage.

There you’ve it for now.

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